Captain America: Civil War – Film Review

I’m neither a Marvel freak nor a DC sympathizer. I will write with all my objectivity and the wit peculiar to the film. If Iron Man and Captain America faced each other in chess, it would have a net box office of $100 million. It was such an exciting movie. A great expectation was created that the heroes would clash with each other and that the other heroes would be included in the film and be a part of the fight. It will be successful and impossible not to break a record. Everyone looks at it with certainty. My only question is: Is it a record-deserving movie? Is it as good as Batman v Superman that has been flattered for a year? I have no doubts about that. I was so annoyed by the characters acting on camera in Marvel’s latest Avengers movie that I feared the same thing would happen to us in Captain America: Civil War. But shock, thankfully, it didn’t. Marvel has increased the dose of seriousness a little more. This is a welcome development, but they increased the jokes to equalize. They added a lot of brand-new heroes and increased the action, but unfortunately, they also cut down on the script and focused on comedy.

For some reason, 2016 is progressing as a year in which superheroes are tried to be tamed. Superman in DC and Avengers team in Marvel are attempting to be taken under command. Since they do more harm than save, governments now want to bring them under their own roof. So how do we get to this point? The Avengers team causes civilian deaths on a mission in Nigeria. As a result of these deaths, 117 countries united and wanted the Avengers team to be affiliated with the UN and prepare a contract. This commitment also causes the team to split because Captain America doesn’t want to be under anyone’s command—typically conservative—but Iron Man thinks they need to be controlled, holding the wheel with one hand, not both. This difference of opinion grows even more when Bucky emerges because Bucky attacks a large organization, just like in Batman v Superman, and attracts all the attention. Captain America thinks it’s not Bucky who did the attacks and goes after him, while Iron Man thinks Captain America needs to lower his shield now, regardless of whether it’s him or not. This polarization leads to the formation of teams.

First of all, let me state that the movie has nothing to do with Civil War. It would be better if the film was called: Avengers Family Fight. Because the movie doesn’t have much to do with civilians. As Anthony Mackie, who plays Falcon, said, the film was Avengers 2.5. The family is divided for a reason, as if there is a fight for an inheritance. And then, other heroes come from far away and join the fight. I liked this part of the movie the most. The chaos in the country causes all superheroes to be involved in the event. They all want to be involved in the subject by showing fairness. Long live America, after all!

Of course, the most popular part of Captain America: Civil War is the moments when all the superheroes collide. Frankly, I liked the process leading up to this war. The fight was described very superficially; it was not well-understood. Anyway, the movie’s first half is slow, and can’t get the story together. Besides some fight scenes at the film’s beginning, Russo Brothers shot all the fight scenes perfectly. The choreographies are very good. The team fight scenes were also superbly shot. The highly anticipated team fight scene summary is essentially as follows: If we explain in League of Legends terms, superheroes enter Team Fight, but the result does not end with a Team Kill. In fact, Ant-Man, who should be the support, suddenly transforms into ADC and carries his team. This results in the movement of his team and the explosion of the main base of the other players. I did not explain in detail to avoid spoilers, but the audience already understood what I said.

Teamfight allows us to see all the characters together. Among them is the highly anticipated “new Spiderman.” Unlike everyone else, I didn’t like the new Spiderman. It will appear like a loop for the 3rd time, and the fact that Uncle Ben will die again bothers me anyway, and I think it’s absurd that there is a troll among all these super-powered men. I especially found Spiderman’s inclusion in the movie very unsuccessful; it didn’t suit him at all. I certainly won’t want to watch Spiderman’s “new” solo film, but I can’t say the same for Black Panther. He has the best costume in Marvel history. I also pay my respects to Ant-Man. He made a mess by metamorphosing, and I’m sure he managed to make everyone who watched it laugh.

The film came out with the motto “Choose Your Side.” Since there will be a team war, of course, one has to choose sides. I’m sure most people watched the movie emotionally. After all, the basis of the film is based on “sentimentality,” which, in my eyes, both glorifies and finishes the film. It is a very successful basis for the heroes with the name SUPER to act by succumbing to their emotions. DC is the one that handles this issue best at the moment. In their filmography, there is a movie called Watchmen, which manages emotional superheroes best and, in my opinion, is still the best superhero movie in cinema history. The heroes who succumbed to their emotions are good, but an ordinary man who succumbed to his feelings and reached a secret that only a few people in the world knew with only 1 year of research is officially absurd. Which brings us back to Marvel’s endless selection of terrible villains. Zemo is the worst “villain” I’ve ever seen, not the post-villain Deadpool superhero movie in Deadpool. The only thing that carries Captain America: Civil War is that we can see all the heroes in one movie. Nothing else. Namely: Sensuality.

Of course, the Russo brothers and the comics would let Captain America win. In the end, America always wins. Captain America: “When you fight evil, the good die too. If we don’t fight, everyone dies” is like a summary to explain today’s America. This is the case of legitimizing “civilians” who died fighting. It’s normal for Captain America to say that anyway. He’s 100 years old, an old-fashioned conservative. Logic is not his choice. For this reason, it is not possible to agree with Iron Man.

In short, Captain America: Civil War, which is a successful movie as an action movie, and saturated with heroes, unfortunately, cast doubts on the scenario and realism. No matter how good the team fight is, the process until it gets there is prolonged. Before the bottom of the battle is filled, the fight starts, and we choose a side. If you ask me, did you get what you expected? Well, I say. I didn’t get goosebumps while watching, but I can’t say I was bored, like in Batman v Superman. I had fun, I laughed, and the jokes were not bad. The Russo brothers shot the battle scenes very well. After all, I could see all the heroes in one frame. But on my way out, I asked myself: Am I wondering what’s next? Will I be excited about what will happen in Infinity War? My answer is very definite: Unfortunately, no.

Cast & Crew

director: Anthony Russo, Joe Russo

writers: Christopher Markus, Stephen McFeely (screenplay by) Stan Lee (based on the Marvel comics by)

starring: Robert Downey Jr., Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, Don Cheadle, Benedict Cumberbatch, Tom Holland, Chadwick Boseman, Tom Hiddleston, Elizabeth Olsen, Paul Bettany, Anthony Mackie, Sebastian Stan

USA | 2016 | 147 MINUTES |


Ukrainian Creative Director | Motion Picture Writer | Horror Freak

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