Hey there.

Greetings, my name is Valerii Ege Deshevykh.

Through my journey into the realm of cinema, which I embarked upon in 2009 with a fervent desire to learn and delve into its history, I have evolved into the person I am today. Cinema history, progressing in parallel with real life, demands a nuanced understanding that necessitates grasping the intricacies of existence itself. Exploring cinema has sparked my curiosity in history, particularly its pivotal moments. Consequently, I have been driven towards media literacy, finding myself compelled to write and produce documentaries. While endeavoring to illuminate the obscure corners of cinema history, I concurrently engage in research essays and documentaries shedding light on misunderstood aspects of history and the contemporary media’s impact on us.

In my daily life, I strive to sustain myself through the creative avenues of directing and video editing. Leveraging the resources of my profession, I also craft documentaries within my sphere of interest, namely cinema and media literacy.

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